国歌起立命令は合憲と最高裁…米国で言う忠誠の誓い論争かな?:Japan Supreme Court rules order to stand and sing national anthem constitutional on May 31, 2011 japan nation us +
豪州の水竜巻の映像:Twister over Aussie waters caught on tape - CBS on May 30, 2011 disaster tornado waterspouts +
アイルランドはオバマの親戚だらけ:Obama visits his great-great-great grandfather’s village in Ireland on May 25, 2011 ireland obama +
リンクトイン株、地球に帰還:LinkedIn's stock returns to earth - SJ Mercury on May 21, 2011 IPO LinkedIn Social Network stock +
iPad 2の製造ライン?富士康で爆発事故:Foxconn Chengdu Manufacture Plant Explosion (Videos)! - @micgadget on May 20, 2011 foxconn ipad +
「フェイスブック 若き天才の野望」読了!:The Facebook Effect - David Kirkpatrick on May 18, 2011 facebook nob zuckerberg 滑ジイ +
シュワルツェネッガーに隠し子:Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a household staffer - @latimes on May 17, 2011 men scandal Schwarzenegger +
マイクロソフトがスカイプを買収した理由:Why Microsoft bought Skype - @cringely on May 15, 2011 apple google microsoft Skype +
SEALのヘルメットカメラで再現したビンラディン急襲劇:SEAL helmet cams recorded entire bin Laden raid - CBS on May 14, 2011 military osama +
241兆円の首:The cost of bin Laden: $3 trillion over 15 yrs - National Journal on May 09, 2011 defense military obama osama +
ジョブズが語る掃除夫とVPの違い:Difference Between the Janitor and the Vice President according to Steve Jobs - Fortune on May 08, 2011 apple jobs +
ザッカーバーグ、フェイスブック新本社そばに豪邸購入:Mark Zuckerberg buys new home near Facebook's new HP on May 05, 2011 facebook home zuckerberg +
オサマ殺害中継を見守るシチュエーションルームで何が起こったか?:Inside the Situation Room - TIME on May 04, 2011 obama osama photo war +
オサマ暗殺暗号名「ジェロニモ作戦」に米先住民怒る:Osama operation codename 'Geronimo' angers native Americans on May 04, 2011 geronimo hero native american obama osama villain who knows +
「オバマ・ビンラディン死亡」誤報のFOX40、謝罪で他局のミスを披露:President Obama bin Laden Is Dead #FAIL on May 03, 2011 epic fail Fox News joke osama typo +
ジュリアン・アサンジ「フェイスブックはスパイマシン」:Wikileaks Founder: Facebook is a Spy Machine on May 02, 2011 facebook obama wikileaks +
オサマ・ビン・ラディン殺さる。オバマ発表生中継:Osama bin Laden dead - Obama Announces [live] on May 01, 2011 9/11 obama osama +