Remember Coal, a.k.a. Rudd-Crunch, who hacked Documentary on Japanese Sushi last year? ( here, here, here, and here), Coal's posting, Tian's post) Now he's working with teevee graphics on the new project. Here's an update from Coal!
I've just come back from recording the narration for a new work in progress (can't give any more details than that). To be fair, I was probably a bit harsh before about the English narration of Sushi - reading my script with just a little direction from me, the narrator did a very professional job, and we also got to work more on timing it to the visuals, so I think this time the English version should be every bit as good as the Japanese.
As a kind of bonus, this meant I got to hang out with Kentaro Kobayashi of Rahmens (the short haired one) for about 8 hours. Very nice chap and a great sense of humour.
He was also very open to additional input and suggestions, and seemed to see my previous copyright infringement as an education in just how much potential his work has overseas. All in all a good experience.
I think they're planning to release the English version at ResFest this year, so do keep an eye out for it. I'll keep you posted at this end.
Pic: Kentaro Kobayashi (rear left), director Junji Kojima (rear right), the narrator (front right), myself (front left)
I like the way it turned out, Coal. It's also very nice to know how Kobayashi felt about the case.
昨年末国内外で大ブームになった動画「日本の伝統-鮨 ("Sushi-Japanese Tradition," or "Documentary on Japanese Sushi")」、覚えているだろうか?
【関連】紹介記事(12.2005)、 まとめ、視聴、ティアンの投稿、吉報、
Tags; Rahmens, Sushi, Junji Kojima, Japanese Tradition, Rudd Crunch, Coal, teevee graphics
昨年末国内外で大ブームになった動画「日本の伝統-鮨 ("Sushi-Japanese Tradition," or "Documentary on Japanese Sushi")」、覚えているだろうか?
【関連】紹介記事(12.2005)、 まとめ、視聴、ティアンの投稿、吉報、
最新作(これ以上は言えないんだけど)の吹き替え録音から今戻ったところです。正直、これまでの僕は「鮨」の英語吹き替えに採点ちょっと辛過ぎたかも。僕の台本読んでもらったら、ちょっとディレクションつけただけで、とてもプロフェッショナルな仕事ぶりだった。今回はもっと映像にドンピシャのタイミングで合うようがんばったから、きっと英語版も日本版並みに笑えると思うよ。ラッセル・ピーターズも后舍男生もそうだけど海外で光る芸域ってあるかも。ラッセルも2004年ぐらいからネットのファンがコピー配るの放っといたら、tipping pointがネット動画元年の今年で、今や主流の芸人…。最新作、楽しみに待ってるよっ。
写真: 小林賢太郎さん(左うしろ)、監督・小島淳二さん(右うしろ)、ナレーターさん(右前)、僕(左前)
Tags; Rahmens, Sushi, Junji Kojima, Japanese Tradition, Rudd Crunch, Coal, teevee graphics
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