吉報「鮨」:Isoda wants to talk with you, Rudd-Crunch

Mr. Isoda of Asmik-Ace Entertainment, Inc. (distributor of "Documentary on Japanese Sushi" original) sent Tian an e-mail to apologize for having caused such an anguish without knowing the DMCA attack may imply 'shutting down if the host doesn't comply with the request,' and Tian, of course, welcomed it.

Now, at the end of all those events, the big announcement came from Mr. Isoda.
Dear Rudd-Crunch;

People say that, thanks to (due to?) your English sub-version, our SUSHI Video has spread all over the States, and we're pretty much interested in your talent. I want to talk with you. Just give me a call or e-mail me (Satomi got my contact info.). Don't worry. It's NOT for suing you or anything like that.

Atsuhito Isoda
Asmik-Ace Entertainment, Inc.

Congrats, RC. Forget about Monja for a while, and just come out. We'll be here waiting for the sequel coming out soon. Next time, with your name on it. Good luck!

new!-I've just got an e-mail. They're gonna see on next Wed. Hooray!!
new!-Here's his profile and blog entry; Offering Booze to a Deity in Kowloon: Meeting with Asmik Ace Entertainment Executive.


「鮨」 版権エージェント、アスミック・エース社担当・磯田氏が、予期せぬ誤解を招いた点につき釈明しTianさんとの行き違いは氷解。DMCA停止勧告はホストに送るものだが、GVはクリック数個で再生画面そのものがサイトに転載できてしまうため()、あたかもホストのように見えてその実体はリンクという紛らわしい面もあり混乱を招いたようだ。

米国でRemoval Noticeと言えば受信者と送信者双方が全文コピーを登録・検索・閲覧できるオンラインのデータベースもあり(こちら)、誰が誰にどういう勧告を送ったかは登録があれば一目で分かる。似た状況で英文が必要な方はご参考にされると良いだろう。





new!-Coal氏ブログに会合の詳細がUPされました!→Offering Booze to a Deity in Kowloon: Meeting with Asmik Ace Entertainment Executive
