As some of you may have noticed, I've added a tiny little widget showing the latest news stream from 'Asiajin,' a newly launched English blog featuring Web 2.0 Japan from within.
There are a handful of English blogs out there with the same focus, but in terms of depth, reach, and networking base, none of them can come even closer to its two founding editors; Hiroki Akimoto (a.k.a. Akky) of Akky’s weblog and 'genius programmer' Shunichi Arai of Mellowtone Inc.
Akky is Japan's Scoble. Arai is a guy most frequently witnessed at industry's major conferences all around the world. Whatever conference you go, he's there. He's also known as a chief organizer of, a donation drive for Isamu Kaneko who unfortunately got arrested in May 2004 for founding Winny, Japanese equivalent of Napster.
I met them at TechCrunch 40. Having a dinner together, we were talking why there isn't any TC40 entry from Japan. The answer is obvious; they are little known here and there isn't any English news outlet that tells about it. So why not starting?
Arai chose the name, Asiajin, in hope to reach out and get connected with other Asians who share the same interest. For more details, read their official launch announcement.
They've been uploading contents in stealth mode since early fall. Now with readers waiting for updates, the contents have finally gotten the timely flair.
Akky's latest post (left) is the first of the sequel featuring BonenKaigi held at Yahoo! Japan's HQ in Roppongi. Take a look at this year's Top 10 Websites selected by Japanese early adopters. Tumblr and KIVA are included.(great to know that they noticed Kiva's value!)
Akky and Arai are both extremely busy, so if you think you can be of any help, please contact them via e-mail. Asiajin is one of the best things ever happened to me on the web, and I wish them the best!
You can get the embedding code here, bookmark to delicious and/or digg it.
TechCrunch 40で予言した通り、新井俊一氏と秋元裕樹氏が英語ブログ「Asiajin」を立ち上げた!
日本のデジモノ&変ニュースの英語ブログは数あれど、ウェブビジネスの“今”を業界第一人者が英語で書くブログはこれが初めてではないかと思う。IT Proさんの紹介記事は週間アクセスランキングTOP、という注目度だ。
Akkyさんは日本のスコーブル、で説明不要? 新井さんは「経済産業省公認天才プログラマー」で、2004年5月Winny事件の時には「金子勇氏を支援する会」(を立ち上げ保釈金など計14,939,398円の裁判費用を集めた発起人だ。世界中のカンファレンスを回っている。
Asiajin: 発足宣言
arai blog: Asiajin - アジアのITに関する英語ブログ
秋元@サイボウズラボ・プログラマー・ブログ: 日本発の英語ITブログ
私も日本のウェブ事情のこと詳しかったら是非お手伝いしたいんだけども、なんせ中身がゼロなもんで... 影から応援していきたいと思ってる。ブログ手伝ってみたいな、という方はボランティアになると思うけど是非申し込んでみてね。サイドバーにおいた埋め込みコードはこちら。deliciousとdiggもよろしく!
Related: 日本はレッド・ツェッペリンなのか?:Japan As Led Zeppelin?
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