とうもろこしの巨大迷路とYamanote Line Halloween Party

I tried Corn Maze near my home today.

Corn Mazes are a growing trend. This one was created by MAiZE, an agritainment venture company based in Utah. Its founder, Brett Herbst, grew up on an Idaho ranch, studied agribusiness at Brigham Young University, and then launched his first corn labyrinth in fall 1996, which was the largest of that kind in the western US. It naturally drew 18,000 visitors within 3 wks, and Herbst started his own business.

It's fun and educational for they offer quize on topics like growing and harvesting crops which I care less otherwise. As the sun sets, monsters show up for special night, so we kind of try not to hurry but hurry (you know what I mean?), which is in all a part of the excitement.

It's the only place on earth you want to get lost.

火曜の夜はハロウィーン。今日はこの季節限定Corn Mazeを歩いてきた。


因みに、このハロウィーン名物Corn Maze。作ったのはユタ拠点のMAiZE社だ。アイダホの牧場育ちのブレット・ハーブスト氏がブリガム・ヤング大で農業ビジネス専攻後、農場経営の会社勤務の傍ら農業専門誌で読んだベンチャーにヒントを得て1996年秋に作ったラビリンスが大ヒット、3週間で1万8千人を集め、これをバックに立ち上げた同社は今や6カ国延べ1,000ヵ所以上の巨大迷路を手がけギネス入りも果たしている。本拠航空スライドはこちら

From Tokyo, ninentsu uploaded this vid featuring JR Yamanote Line raided by trick-or-treaters gathering for the costume ride. Seems like a ritual among foreigners living there for quite some time.(See mdchachi's comment) 東京からは山手線のハロウィーンパーティー。日本語訛りningenisu氏がYouTubeにアップしてくれた! ただの酔っ払い集団だけど毎年恒例のようでOBからは早速こんなコメントが。
まだやってるんだ、嬉しい なあ。昔より大分行儀がいいね。僕がいた頃は中吊りアッと言う間に破るわ、網棚よじ登るわ、変な紐飛ばすわで、たぶん警察がリレーで見張るようになったの はそのせい…。'94年のビデオなら僕も持ってる。他の年のもあるかもしれないので、そのうちUPするね (by mdchachi)

-Happy Halloween!

[おまけ/Off-Topic] 暴走エロオヤジ←The man is an Italian sculptor, Marcello, who is a long-time friend of Todo. Here, he's trying to look cool and Todo is saying he could be like him in 30 yrs.... In-Topic? :)

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