Who is America's highest paid CEO?
Who is America's highest paid CEO?
the top 200 chief executives at public companies with at least $1 billion in revenue actually got a big raise last year, over all. The research, conducted for Sunday Business by Equilar Inc., the executive compensation analysis firm, found that the median 2012 pay package came in at $15.1 million — a leap of 16 percent from 2011.
年商10億ドル(1000億円弱)以上の上場企業トップ200人の年俸は昨年大幅に上がった。経営陣の報酬を分析しているエクイラー社がNYタイムズ日曜ビジネス欄向けに行った調査によると、2012年報酬は前年比16%増の平均1510万ドル(15億円)だった。- NYT
Larry Ellison, Oracle CEO; Earned $96.2 million
...and had his two top lieutenants been included, they, too, would have landed among the top five on the list. Safra A. Catz, Oracle’s chief financial officer and co-president, and Mark V. Hurd, also a co-president, each received packages worth $52 million in 2012. (Mr. Hurd, you might remember, received severance of more than $12.2 million when he left Hewlett-Packard in 2010.)
...部下2人の年俸もトップ5に入るレベルで、オラクル共同社長の財務最高責任者サフラ・A・キャッツとマーク・V・ハードも2012年の年俸は各々5200万ドル(52億円弱)だった(ハード氏は2010年ヒューレット・パッカードを辞めさせられた時に解雇手当として1220万ドル[12億円]もらってる)- NYT
No uprising at Oracle?
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