4chan、ウィキリークスと取引停止の銀行などDDoS攻撃:4chan rushes to WikiLeaks' defense - Ars

Absolutely hilarious graphic by Arstechnica

The forces of Anonymous have taken aim at several companies who are refusing to do business with WikiLeaks. 4chan's hordes have launched distributed denial-of-service attacks against PayPal, Swiss bank PostFinance, and other sites that have hindered the whistleblowing site's operations. ―Arstechnica



「Operation Payback」というバナーで攻撃を呼びかけたグループの自称スポークスマン(Coldblood)は「政府の圧力に屈した」サイトはすべて攻撃対象だと話している。

UPDATE: Facebook and Twitter Suspend Operation Payback Accounts - Forbes
It seems they do more harm than help... it's gone out of hands. 

UPDATE2:More WikiLeaks: The 24-hour Athenian democracy | The Economist
"Anons do understand their limitations. [...] It is not cyberwar. It's a propaganda coup."

UPDATE3: First arrest made in WikiLeaks revenge attacks
It's a Dutch 16-yr-old boy. He's already admitted to being part of the attacks on Visa and Master Card. 最初の逮捕者が出た。オランダ在住16歳。同国ハイテク犯罪捜査班が逮捕した。マスターカードとビザカードのサイトの攻撃に協力した点は既に自供済みらしい…。
