村上春樹の原稿流出事件に思う:Why He Sold Murakami Manuscripts?

I read Haruki's article on Bungei Shunju -April Edition about his former editor who sold his manuscripts without permission. He has known the Super Editor, AkiraYasuhara (a.k.a.Yasuken: 1939-2003), more than 25 years since he had a jazz bar and Yasuken was his customer. Yasuken published Haruki's debut novel from the established publishing house, Chuo Koron.

73-pages translation of Scott Fitzgerald's The Ice Palace (above) was sold for 1 million yen after Yasuken died. (photo courtesy of The Mind of the Strategist)

The long time friendship, however, ruined when Yasuken suddenly began criticizing Haruki's works, starting from Dance Dance Dance, the Wind-up Bird Chronicle, South of the Border, West of the Sun and Kafka on the Shore. Even worse, Haruki learned that Yasuken put some of his early manuscripts on sale before he died. A lot more ended up in the hands of used book retailers and net auctioners after his death by his family who didn't know his belongings contained those manuscripts.

Haruki argues it's an act of "selling stolen property" and questions Yasuken's professional morality.

If it's merely an act of theft that matters, though, he wouldn't have written such a lengthy article. What drove him was something he couldn't solve by taking a legal action. He tells he doesn't know WHY Yasuken hat*d him, what changed his attitude "over night." That remains unanswered since he already died. It's killing him.

[updates: Comments here and here suggest the origin of their conflict may trace back to the time when Haruki refused Yasuken and other prominent novelists' proposal to get his 1980 short novel "Pinball 1973" to be included in "Showa Bungaku Zenshu (Showa Era Literature Collection)," causing its editor to commit suicide. I feel, however, that unfortunate event may be what he described "a small hurricane that dragged him in" in the article. Haruki disclosed how things evolved in his 1999 essay collection (ISBN:4-10-1001 47-2).]

The conflict reminded me of D. T. Max's article "The Carver Chronicles" that examins to what extent Gordon Lish, editor of early Raymond Carver's novels, was involved in rewriting and reshaping the Carver world.(A Review From In Dissent)

It was translated by Haruki in the first chapter of his book below, which Yasuken praised a lot (2000.08). In the book review, Yasuken didn't mention much about Lish's heavy editing, maybe because he is different type of editor who gets the original to be printed 'as-is.'

Some say Yasuken, wanna-be novelist, was jealous of Haruki's talent and fame, others say the hatr*d is deeply founded on the core culture of Japan's literature society, still others say Yasuken was in a financial trouble after he was kicked out of Chuo Koron (in "Yasuken-no-Umi," you can read the full texts of Kenzaburo Ohe's threat mail to Yasuken.) . Yasuken's editor who was with him when that happened said Yasuken was not a kind of person who would sell manuscripts, and it must have been just an accident.

It's hard to judge. Regarding the hatr*ed, the closest I came up with a possible explanation was when I found a blogger suspecting that Yasuken might have found himself betrayed when Haruki's novel began the path to healing.

What I feel reading Haruki's article is a huge loss, a loss that's never going to be filled, recovered, or healed.

Haruki Murakami manuscripts sold off to bookstores without permission - MSN-Mainichi
http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20060311a5.html (thanks!>Osakabe Yoshio)

遅まきながら村上春樹が文芸春秋4月号に寄稿した「 ある編集者の生と死」を読んだ。











Long Tail World:村上春樹、ボストンマラソン出場へ:Murakami to Run the Boston Marathon

東京奇譚集を英語で読んだら…:Fooled by Haruki's Monkey

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  1. トラックバックありがとうございすます。いきなり、英文だったのでビックリしました。で、うわっ、記事中にもリンクが…。こちらの記事のみならず、多数のこの件に関する記事を拝見し、改めていろいろと考えさせられました。

  2. 初報じゃないというのはとても重要なFactorだと思います。告発でないなら何?ってことですからね。



  3. http://japundit.com/archives/2006/03/11/2095/

    Mishandling Murakami

    Haruki Murakami is pissed off, and well he should be.

    Turns out that his former editor, one of his former editors, now dead, secretly tried to sell the future Nobel prize winner’s earlier handwritten manuscripts, pocketing the money for himself. The cad!

    Popular novelist Haruki Murakami said in a monthly magazine released Friday that a number of his manuscripts have been put up for auction on the Internet and at secondhand bookshops without his permission.

    In a contribution to the April issue of the magazine Bungei Shunju, Murakami discussed details on the auctions, denouncing it as “unlawful trading of original manuscripts.”

    Murakami, 57, a celebrated contemporary Japanese writer, said that among the manuscripts is a handwritten translation of The Ice Palace by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940). A set of 73 of the manuscript’s
    400-character pages was put up for sale at a secondhand bookshop for more than 1 million yen.

    In the 16-page article in the magazine, Murakami said he had handed the scripts to a now-deceased editor of the Chuokoron publishing house.

    Posted by Danny Bloom

  4. hi, dan, it's nice to see you. I like people who make things happen, and it was great reading your story. Good luck for your book:) I'll be looking into your entry for any updates, thanks!


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