Q: Who is this man?
(Don't click links 'till you get the answer.
(Don't click links 'till you get the answer.
◆Born to a single mother, raised by foster parents
◆Billionaire College Dropout
◆Frequently used adjective= 'flamboyant'
◆Founded a high technology company in 1977, pioneering a new technology sector in Silicon Valley.
◆His company is named after a CIA project he named and got involved.
◆Finally completed a $200-million, 16th century Japanese-style villa on more than 60 acres in Woodside, he listed his former home, a seven-bedroom, 8,000-square-foot house in Atherton, also Japanese in style, at $25 million. He spend 18 years to fully rennovate the Atherton home. If he continued 20 more years, then it would have beaten the record of 38 year quest by Sarah Winchester. Tourists come to see his mansion, but all they can see is a main gate. The primary function of his company headquarter's public relation staff attending Japanese visitors is to take them to 'a tour of his mansion,' I heard.(not confirmed)
人口より馬が多い高級住宅地アサートンに買った家を18年かけて和風に改築。「ウィンチェスター・ミステリー・ハウス」の女主人サラの建造年数にもうあと20年で追いつくところだったが、最近これを2,500万ドルで売り出し、隣 接市ウッドサイドの60エーカー超(報道によって40エーカー。解釈としては①アサートンの家と混同している、②不動産が伸び縮みしている、③「今更どっ ちだって」の投げやりな態度、以上3通つが考えられる)の広大な敷地に2億ドルをかけて建造した16世紀和風建築様式の豪邸に住む。著名スポットだが「門 しか見えない」と観光客にはすこぶる不評。日本からの出張者を迎える本社広報スタッフはこの「豪邸ツアーのアテンド業務」が主な仕事と聞いたが、本当かど うかは不明。
◆Married four times. The fourth wife is a beautiful romance novelist, Melanie Craft, on which he had crush in a San Francisco restaurant in 1995. It took him eight full years 'till they finally got married on Dec 18, 2003. Right after the marriage, in the new year, he announced to step down his chairman post to let the CFO replace it, giving the title of president to two executives in their 40s.
4人目の現在の奥さんは美人ロマンス作家のメラニー・クラフト女史(以 下の書籍は彼がモデルとされる近著)。1995年にSFのレストランで一目惚れしてから口説き落とすまでに8年かかった。これはおそらく自己最長記録。入 籍は2003年12月18日。ウッドサイドの自 宅で行った披露宴では、ずっとメラニー対策プロジェクトを後援してきた近所の親友が撮影を務める。年明けには会長職を後任に譲って自分はCEOとなり、 ずっと空席だった社長ポストに40代の若手2人を起用、「急にホトケになった」と異変が報じられる。
(The book below is Melanie’s latest novel, whose main character is believed to be him.)
◆Aggressive M&A deal maker. Once he proved himself as a caring person by trying to take over a company that had expelled his best friend. In the very last minutes, his friend stopped him, and he gave up the plan.
◆A typhoon struck during a sailing race in Australia, 1998, where he participated with his 78-foot Sayonara. Six sailors from other boats died, while his crew survived.
◆ San Jose International Airport denied his request to exempt his jet from the airport's curfew. サンノゼ国際空港では門限破りの常習犯。市と大喧嘩の挙げ句締め出される。郊外の空港に停めた自家用機は「まるで掘っ立て小屋に停めたロールスロイス」と地元住民
◆As part of a settlement for insider trading allegations, a California judge has ordered that he donate $100 million to charity. 収支報告で自社株が52%下がる直前という微妙なタイミングで9億ドル相当の持ち株を売っ払って株主たちに訴えられたインサイダー疑惑 はこの9月、1億ドルをチャ リティー献金することで和解が成立
◆To Sun Microsystems co-founder and CEO Scott McNealy, Microsoft had been the "evil empire" or the "dark side" until he made pact with his devil last Spring. Now, who was the guy that called Bill Gates a "PC Pope"?!
「PC Pope(パソコン教皇)」
「PC Pope(パソコン教皇)」
Larry Ellison (Oracle cofounder and CEO)
The closest friend mentioned above is, of course, Steve Jobs (Apple Computer co-founder and CEO). They have so many things in common. Their sons are also close friends, from the same high-school(rumore not confirmed). If their sons start a new company together, what sort of company it's going to be like?!
ここで”親友”と書いたのはもちろんスティーブ・ジョブズ(アップル共同設立者兼CEO)。二人は生い立ちに共通点が多い上に息子同士が同 じ高校の同級生とかで(あやふや)これまた仲良し。一緒に会社作ったらどうなっちゃうのよ、という専らの評判だ。
(This is the first installment of a new series
'Silicon Valley Trivia Quiz.' Who's next? Stay tuned!)
A Happy Holiday.
---> シリコンバレーのトリビア②:Silicon Valley Trivia Quiz 2
Let me add one more trivia.
ReplyDelete- San Carlos airport code is "SQL". Some says he pushed it.
hahaha.. That's a good one!