Harbard Student Receives F for Tor Failure While Sending 'Anonymous' Bomb Threat - Forbes
Kim could face a maximum five years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine if charged under the bomb hoax statute, according to a press release by the Boston U.S. District Attorney’s office. ― Harvard Crimson
To conceal his Harvard IP address, he used Tor, but in a fatal mistake, he also used the school's Wi-Fi network to connect to the anonymity service. Investigators, according to a criminal complaint, took a hard look at everyone who used Tor at the time the threats were sent and ultimately fingered 20-year-old Eldo Kim... - Ars Technica
ハーバードのIPアドレスを隠すため匿名ネットワークTorとGuerrila Mailの一時メアドを使ったまではいいが、大学のWi-Fiでネットに接続していたため頭隠して尻隠さずで、FBI捜査官が脅迫メール発信元のTor使用を突き止め送信時刻にTor使ってた人間を片っ端から洗ったら、あっけなく行き着いたもの。
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