米ティーンが豪野球選手を暇つぶし射殺。豪で米観光ボイコットの声:Random killing of Australian ballplayer sparks calls for U.S. boycott
Christopher Lane, a 22-year-old Australian who was studying in the U.S. on a baseball scholarship was gunned down Friday in Duncan, Oklahoma, by local teenagers who 'got bored.'
The senseless shooting sent shock wave across Australia and the former Australian deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer, is calling on Australian tourists to boycott the U.S.
"People thinking of going to the USA for business or tourists trips should think carefully about it given the statistical fact you are 15 times more likely to be shot dead in the USA than in Australia per capita per million people" - Tim FischerHere's the vine of James Edwards, one of the two main suspects, showing off his rifle. Tim Fischer is right. Living in the US really feels like living in the world's largest hunting field.
Stephens County Courthouse heard how one of the boys accused of murdering Lane, 22, danced and laughed as he was taken into a police station to be charged after the killing on Friday. James Edwards, 15,= above= was treating the murder as a joke, District Attorney Jason Hicks told the hearing. - Herald Sun
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