Chordify |
Ever wondering what are the chords to your favorite song?
Head over Chordify and upload MP3 file (max. 10Mb) or simply enter YouTube or SoundCloud URL. In a minute, it returns you something like this;
I tried with Oliver Wilde - Home (Feat. Lily Cook). How do you think? I don't play guitar and there's no way to know how accurate it is, but its co-founder, Dion Ten Heggeler, told TNW it's about 70% to 95% correct.
As you can see, chords progression is displayed with black square, as the song played. Clicking any square will take you the part you want to practice. Neat!
If you don't know how to hold, press then it shows this;
Wow. I've gotta share this with my son who has just started guitar!
早速、Oliver Wilde - Home (Feat. Lily Cook)でやってみた(ここクリック)。コード生成アプリは他にもあるけど、これは曲を聴きながら追えるのがミソ。3角の再生ボタン押すと曲とコード進行がスタートし、気になるパートを押せば、そこの演奏聴きながら(YouTubeは動画も見ながら)コード見て練習ができる。
ギター弾かないからどれぐらい正確かはわからないけど、共同創業者Dion Ten Heggeler氏は「大体70%から95%は合ってる」とTNWに話してるよ。シンプルな曲、耳でコード拾えない初心者向けだね。
[The Next Web]
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