Yelp's sting operation |
In response to Yelp's sting operation that busted eight businesses who paid elite reviewers in exchange for positive review, San Diego jewelry store owner told NY Times "it was forced to solicit reviews after others got away with doing it."
Here's what Chicago hair salon owner has to say about Yelp;
The site had been so aggressive in seeking advertising from her, “if I could physically put a restraining order on them, I would. As God is my witness, they literally would call every 15 minutes. I put a block on my phone.”Well, probably what she's trying to say is that there isn't much difference between Yelp soliciting ads and business owners soliciting positive reviews. Small business owners also complain Yelp is filtering out positive reviews, keeping only the negative ones, unless they pay ads.
According to, Yelp relies on an algorithm for filtering comments, but the distrust remains. Even after the lawsuit over Yelp distortion was dismissed last year, we hear the same claims over and over again (video below. It appears to be cozy cafe with nice ambience to me).
Anyway, Yelp says 'the next step will be to let consumers know if a business has had a large number of reviews submitted from the same IP address.'
オンラインに求人出すマヌケな会社はまだいい方なんじゃないのって思ったら、案の定、槍玉にあげられたサンディエゴの宝石店オーナーはNYタイムズに「他もこっそりやってるんで止むを得ずやった」と話してる。また、シカゴの美容室は「Yelpは広告営業がうるさくて堪らない、禁止命令とれたらとってる。15分起きに電話かけてくるのでブロックしたぐらいだ」と反論。Yelpのしつっこい広告営業に比べたらちょっとお金払ってレビュー書いてもらうぐらいなによ! ふん! という剣幕だ。
WFSB Channel 3
We hate Yelp
Yelp Extortion: The Lawsuit's Dismissed. Are They Back At It In 2012?
IP からの特定は、この間日本で問題になったばかりなのに・・・IT 先進国の企業の発想にしてはちょっとと思いますね。