Nobel Prize winner Dr. Leon Lederman: (1:17-) If you say, "what happened before the Big Bang?," it doesn't make any sense, because time was not defined. The basic idea is that in the Big Bang you created both space and time. The reason why we believe that's OK is that if you take a clock and take it away from the Earth, so that the gravity of the earth is felt by clock and clock speeds up. So if you bring the clock towards the Earth, the gravitational fields get stronger and the clock slows down. So now let's take the beginning of the Universe. Reversing...
Listener: It's expanding...宇宙は膨張してるんですよね…
Dr. Lederman: Yeah, it's expanding. So reverse the field and it's all coming together and the gravity gets stronger and stronger, and time is running slower and slower... そうそう、宇宙は膨張してる。だから磁場をリバースすると、みんな元通りひと固まりになっていって重力はどんどん強くなり、時間はどんどん遅くなっていく…
Listener: OK.
Dr. Lederman: So, when you get to the singularity, ah...then....time stops. で、シンギュラリティの瞬間まで遡れば…えーとその…そこで…時間が止まるのさ。
Listener: (nodding with full smile)
すごーい! 時間が止まるとすべてが何も動かなくなる?それとも歳を取らなくなる?^^