アップルEPEAT脱会でSF市役所がMac購入禁止へ:City of San Francisco Plans to Ban Macs over Apple's EPEAT pullout (UPDATED)
Officials with the San Francisco Department of Environment told CIO Journal on Monday they would send out letters over the next two weeks,informing all 50 of the city’s agencies that Apple laptops and desktops “will no longer qualify” for purchase with city funds. The move comes after CIO Journal reported that Apple had removed its laptops and notebooks from a voluntary registry of green electronics, called EPEAT. - San Francisco Environment Officials and CIO Plan to Block Apple Over EPEAT standards - The CIO Report - WSJ
EPEAT standards do not currently cover smartphones or tablet computers, which represent a fast-growing portion of Apple's business. But standards for those products are being crafted, Frisbee said, hinting that Apple's phenomenally successful iPad may not be in compliance. "There's an issue with the cementing in of batteries on the iPad," he said. "If you can't separate the toxics from recyclables, it doesn't qualify. Other manufacturers have been able to find ways to stay within the EPEAT requirements. It's a little confusing as to why Apple, which has always been the leader, has chosen a different direction." - Apple's withdrawal from 'green' certification program surprises purchasers - SiliconValley.com
月曜環境部がCIO Journalに明らかにしたもの。今回認証から撤退したのはノート、デスクトップ、モニターの計39のアップル製品だけど、EPEAT認証がないとサンフランシスコの場合、市の予算で買う備品調達基準を満たさなくなるので、購入を見合わせるよう全50の部局に大体2週間以内に通達するんだって。
アップルはEPEAT(日本のグリーンラベル?)を推進してきた企業のひとつなので、先週木曜の文書による一方的通達はEPEAT本部にとってはまさに寝耳に水だった。なぜ抜けるのかアップルから理由の説明はないのだけど、巷では「バッテリーが接着剤でべっとり付いてるMacBook Pro Retinaは分解もリサイクルもできないのでEPEAT認証がとれんのだろう」との見方が専ら。
UPDATE: Apple reverses course: Apple products go back on EPEAT, letter from SVP of Hardware Bob Mansfield states アップルが前言撤回、EPEAT戻る宣言した。MBP Retinaは
Retina MacBook Pro shows up in EPEAT Registry | 9to5Mac なんとRetina MBPも認められて40品目になった(thnx, casey jonesさん)
[WSJ, SiliconValley.com]
MBP Retinaも入ったようです。
あ、ホントだ…戻ったらなぜか40品目に増えとる!!!^^; MBP retinaの認証取るためだったりして