ハックされたら報復する企業がアメリカで急増:Active Defense - Hacked companies fight back @josephmenn

Once a company detects a network breach, rather than expel the intruder immediately, it can waste the hacker's time and resources by appearing to grant access to tempting material that proves impossible to extract. Companies can also allow intruders to make off with bogus files or "beacons" that reveal information about the thieves' own machines, experts say.

Henry and CrowdStrike co-founder Dmitri Alperovich do not recommend that companies try to breach their opponent's computers, but they say the private sector does need to fight back more boldly against cyber espionage.

It is commonplace for law firms to have their emails read during negotiations for ventures in China, Alperovich told the Reuters Global Media and Technology Summit. That has given the other side tremendous leverage because they know the Western client company's strategy, including the most they would be willing to pay for a certain stake.

But if a company knows its lawyers will be hacked, it can plant false information and get the upper hand."

"Deception plays an enormous role," Alperovich said. - Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps | Reuters


敵のコンピュータに侵入しろとまでは薦めていないが、民間セクターもサイバースパイにもっと断固たる態度で反撃する必要はある、と語るのはHenry and CrowdStrike共同創設者Dmitri Alperovich氏だ。

中国でベンチャー事業の交渉中、法律事務所のメールが何者かに読まれることは日常茶飯だ、と同氏はロイター国際メディア技術サミットで話している。 メールを読めば、西側のクライアント企業の戦略…例えばここまでなら出資する用意があるという上限額などもわかるので交渉も有利に進められる、というわけ。


一体どれぐらいの企業がハッカー被害に遭っているのかというと、ホワイトハウスのサイバーセキュリティ顧問Rodney Joffe氏(Neuster社上級テクノロジスト)が米上位500社(事業収入で)のうち168社を調べたら、なんと162社までが過去にデータをハッカーに転送した痕跡が残っていたんだって。ほぼ全部じゃん!


[Hacked companies fight back with controversial steps | Reuters]
