According to a study of medical workers at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts, 76 percent said they’ve experienced “phantom vibration,” that insistent buzz from an imagined text or phone call. Scientists speculate it’s the result of random nerves firing, biochemical noise that our brains tuned out until they were reconditioned by the iPhone.
[...]According to his (Larry Rosen, author of iDisorder) research, almost 30 percent of people born after 1980 feel anxious if they can’t check Facebook’s website every few minutes. Others repeatedly pat their pockets to make sure their smartphones are still there. More on Bloomberg Businessweek reports in its June 25 issue
それにしてもiPhoneデビュー前はBlackBerryが主役だったので「CrackBerry」と呼ばれていた携帯幻聴シンドロームが、ビジネスウィーク最新号では「Phantom iPhone」、3月発売の本では「iDisorder」なんて呼ばれてる。iPhoneデビューからもうじき5年。凋落激しいRIMは会社分割の話まで出てきた…たった5年でここまで変わるとは…!
[Phantom vibration syndrome among medical staff: a cross sectional survey | BMJ, Bloomberg]
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