“People turned into dogs as they were literally attacking the notes,” one of the witnesses wrote. “They broke each other’s noses, climbed the traffic lights with their prey – just like monkeys. Shame on Durov!”Disgruntled about Facebook IPO failure that destroyed investors confidence, 27-year-old Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Russian social network VKontakte spent the past weekend flying paper planes made out of 5,000-rouble notes ($153, 12050yen) to the St. Petersburg crowd from the HQ window. He unveiled that "their initial public offering has been indefinitely postponed due to a chilling effect caused by the Facebook IPO."
「みんな犬になって、札に飛びかかっていた」と、ある目撃者は書いている。「鼻がへし折れるほど殴り合って、獲物目がけて信号によじ登って…猿そのもの。デュロフのやつ、こんなことして恥ずかしいと思わないのか!」- RT
Easy money: Russian Zuckerberg provokes crowd fight over $160 notes — RT
Vkontakte Founder Tosses 5,000-Ruble Notes Out Window - The Moscow Times
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