タイタニックはスーパームーンが沈めた?:Did the super moon sink the Titanic?

Route of Titanic and possible route of Iceberg (c) Texas State University

A year ago yesterday, we saw an extreme super moon.  I still remember this because, hours after publishing the translation of "The SuperMoon Apocalypse is Near! (No, Actually It's Not)" here, Japan started to tremble.

When it comes to extreme super moon, the Titanic accident may well have been caused by an extremely rare super moon that happened 3 and a half months before.
Donald Olson said a "once-in-many-lifetimes" event occurred on January 4, 1912, when the moon and sun lined up in such a way that their gravitational pulls enhanced each other. At the same time, the moon's closest approach to earth that January was the closest in 1,400 years, and the point of closest approach occurred within six minutes of the full moon. On top of that, the Earth's closest approach to the sun in a year had happened just the previous day. "This configuration maximized the moon's tide-raising forces on the Earth's oceans," Olson said. "That's remarkable."

His research determined that to reach the shipping lanes by mid-April, the iceberg that the Titanic struck must have broken off from Greenland in January 1912." - Reuters
According to the National Geographic, "It was the closest lunar approach, in fact, since A.D. 796, and Earth won't see its like again until 2257."




