世界の街角で「今なんの曲聴いてるの?」(動画):What song are you listening to? - NY, Amsterdam, Milan, more...

NY, May 2011, @TyCullen (original)

I'm late on this, but;  Tyler Cullen asked random passers-by in NYC what song they're listening to, and the short film inspired creators around the world to shoot and share their own version.  The result is a truly beautiful collection of people who love music.  I bet the first guy's surprise answer (he's still listening to Bee Gees 'More than a Woman' in the 21st century and hasn't lost his cool) played a major role in it...


Amsterdam アムステルダム, June 2011

Ah...nice people, nice music...

Vienna ウィーン, June 2011

Milan ミラノ, June 2011

Hey, stop ai graffiti!  なんじゃこの落書きは!

Barcelona バルセローナ

Salvador エルサルバドール, July 2011

Buenos Aires ブエノスアイレス, June 2011


  1. 誰か自分にも聞いてくれないかなあ...

  2. えーとね、えーとね、慌ててiPhoneが操作できないw
    o(->の"Emancipation"が"Sleep Around"から"Da,Da,Da"に移ったところです!:-D


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