ラリー・エリソンJr.の結婚式で踊り狂うトム・クルーズ:Tom Cruise's Dance-off at Larry Ellison's Son Wedding

Tom Cruise for Steve Jobs?

In the previous post, I asked "who should play the role of Steve Jobs in the film about his life?," and challenge-1 suggested "Tom CG Cruise"...Oh, yeah, Tom Cruise!

When Steve Jobs died, Tom Cruise's dance-off video was all over the net.  It was captured at the wedding of "Mission Impossible'' producer and the son of Larry Ellison, Steve's best friend.

Steve Jobs himself loved Noah Wyle playing his role in TNT's "Pirates of Silicon Valley" (below) so much as to invite him over MacWorld 1999 to imitate him onstage.



ジョブズ自身はTNTの『バトル・オブ・シリコンバレー(原題Pirates of Silicon Valley)』でジョブズを演じたノア・ワイリーを絶賛し、Macworld 1999の余興に出てもらってたりしてたけど。


  1. Dr. カーター! 絶対観るかと思ってたけどTSUTAYAへGO! (大丈夫、旧作無料券ある)。そういえば彼が抜けてER観なくなって随分経つなァ。


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