インド人が犬を怖がる理由:Why are Indians scared of dogs?

It didn't take long for me to realize that some Indian folks avoid dogs like the plaque. I personally didn't particularly like dogs before, so it's understandable, but still the way they shy away seems like a bit of an over-reaction. I tried to find out why...

Some dog owners (they all notice it) say it's probably Muslim culture. If a dog licks you or your clothes, it makes you impure to pray. You should wash yourself right away. Hmnnn...

Others say India has so many stray dogs scavenging through garbage. Dogs carrying rabies are life-threatening and no different from rats. This one has solid data as detailed on "WHO | India’s ongoing war against rabies";

"Roughly 36% of the world’s rabies deaths occur in India each year, most of those when children come into contact with infected dogs.[...] Dr Rajendra Singh, a senior doctor at Maharishi Valmiki Infectious Disease Hospital in Delhi, India, knows a thing or two about despair. And regret. He sees it every day in the faces of the parents who bring their children to him for treatment. The children are infected with the rabies virus, and most of them arrive too late. “Families come from far away,” says Singh. “They don’t know that past a certain point rabies is 100% fatal."

Welfare of Stray Dogs - FAQ has more disturbing facts.  Having read through it, I don't blame them any longer.. Just for your info, all dogs four months or older are required to be vaccinated for rabies in California.





子どもが接触して起こる。政府は近隣諸国と共同で対策に乗り出した。デリーのMaharishi Valmiki伝染病専門病院Rajendra Singh医師の元にも子どもを診断に連れてくる親が毎日いるが、狂犬病感染で、大体は連れてこられた時にはもう手遅れだという。「遠方からくるご家族もいます。ある時点を過ぎると狂犬病は100%死に至る病なことも彼らは知らないんです」(Singh医師)

インド政府のWelfare of Stray Dogs(野良犬保健局)のFAQも読んでみたけど、野良犬が多い主な原因は路上の生ごみとスラムで、食料に事欠かないからなんだって。数を減らそうとイギリス統治下の19世紀から大量に殺す施策が始まり、独立後もインド全土の自治体が年間最大5万匹殺しまくってきたのだけど犬の数は一向に減らない。いくら殺しても近隣の犬が穴埋めにきて縄張り争いで喧嘩するわ、捕獲を逃れたオス同士メス争って喧嘩して人に噛み付くわ、メスはメスで子を守ろうと近寄る人に噛み付くわで、なんの解決にもならない。犬は2匹いれば3年で300匹以上になるという恐ろしい推計もあり、こりゃあかんわと匙を投げ、1994年からは野良犬に避妊施術をして放す施策に転換したんだって。いや~これじゃあ怖がるの当たり前だわね…。


Related: インド動物事情
