米3位の大手銀行シティバンクにもハック被害:Citibank hacked

The third largest bank in US, Citibank, revealed last night that its network , Citi Account Online came under attack by hackers and the contact information (mail, name, account number) of 200,000 credit card holders in North America was compromised.

FT reported Citi noticed it early May.   Another spokesperson in Hong Kong tells Reuters "it had affected 1 percent of North American card customers (21 million)" .  Other information including date of birth, SSN, expiration date, CVV are not compromised.  Beware, Citi customers... (me!)


FTによると、同行が被害に気づいたのは5月はじめ。香港同行広報は Reutersに「北米のカード利用者の1%に影響した」と話している。年次報告によれば北米利用者は2100万人(←訂正)。



[FTReutersThe Atlantic]
