PSN個人情報盗難でダウン5日目。復旧は1週間先か:Sony PlayStation Network user data stolen

Sony officially announced that someone hacked its server and some PlayStation Network and Qriocity user data was compromised.  They're now working with a security firm, and it may take another week to rebuild the network.
PlayStation Network hacked, data stolen: how badly is Sony hurt?: 'The key piece of data for identity theft is the social security number, and that has not been compromised,' she told Ars. The real danger is that, with the information that we know has been taken, hackers with malicious intent could use social engineering to pose as Sony and gain the trust of consumers to gather more information.
So, don't give your info to unknown person...  Initially all eyes were on Anonymous who vowed in early April to target Sony in response to its legal action against PS3 hacker GeoHot, but Anonymous denies its responsibility.  It could have been a single hacker...

こちらは金曜のグッドフライデーからイースター休暇でゲームのかきいれ時なのだけど… プレイステーションネットワーク(PSN)とQriocityが木曜からダウンし、ソニーが今日サービス利用者7000万人の個人情報が盗まれたことを明らかにした





UPDATE: アノニマス元メンバー2人がフィナンシャル・タイムズに「アノニマスの犯行の可能性が高い」と話した。

Sony PlayStation Network status: PSN down for 5th day - Computerworld Blogs
Sony: PlayStation Breach Involves 70 Million Subscribers - CNBC
PlayStation Networkから個人情報が流出したことをソニーが公式に認める : Kotaku JAPAN

[PlayStation Blog]
