米大企業トップの年俸が27%アップ!平社員は2.1%でじっと手を見る:CEO pay soars 27% in 2010 while workers' pay stalls - USATODAY

2010 CEO pay chart, sorted by total - USATODAY (Click to enlarge)

At a time most employees can barely remember their last substantial raise, median CEO pay jumped 27% in 2010 as the executives’ compensation started working its way back to prerecession levels, a USA TODAY analysis of data from GovernanceMetrics International found. Workers in private industry, meanwhile, saw their compensation grow just 2.1% in the 12 months ended December 2010, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Median CEO pay in 2010 was $9.0 million, based on 158 Standard & Poor’s 500 index companies with the same CEO serving all of 2009 and 2010 that have reported CEO pay.

The highest paid of the CEOs analyzed by USA TODAY was Philippe Dauman, CEO of Viacom. Dauman was paid $84.5 million - USATODAY

昇給なんて最後にあったのいつだっけ? 平社員はみんな忘却の彼方だが、CEOの平均年俸は2010年27%アップした。これは経営陣の報酬が不況前の水準に戻りつつあることを反映したもの。米労働省統計局によると、その一方で民間企業の労働者賃金は2010年12月末日までの1年で昇給たった2.1%にとどまった。


USA TODAYの調べによると、一番稼いだCEOはバイアコムCEOのフィリッペ・ドーマンの8450万ドル(71億円)だった。

