京大カンニング事件は試験官も処分すべき:Who is to be Blamed for Internet Cheating Scandal in Japan

It's even more shocking to me that Japan, the world's most advanced mobile nation, hasn't banned cellphone from exam sites yet.

Japan has been frenzy over Internet cheating that took place bet'n Feb 8 and 26 on four of Japan's most renowned universities, Kyoto, Waseda, Doshisha and Rikkyo, which led to a nationwide manhunt and an arrest of 19-year-old man from northern Japan. Arrest!

He allegedly posted some math and English questions to Yahoo Japan's Q&A website (screenshot above) to get quick answers from other users during the Kyoto University exam.  Sitting in the blind spot from  proctor, he used his left hand to type in the long sentences, some of which are really complicated math symbols, on his mobile phone.  How can this be possible?

More details;
Exam cheating suspect 'hid cell phone under desk' : National : DAILY YOMIURI ONLINE (The Daily Yomiuri)
Japan frenzy over university exam cheating peaks after arrest | Reuters
Teen arrested in Japan in cheating scandal - CNN
Internet Cheating Scandal Shakes Japan Universities - NYTimes.com
KBOI News/Talk 670 - Boise, Idaho
Boy Arrested for Cheating after Police Manhunt | Sankaku Complex

I shared the story with my son and asked him who to be blamed for this case.   "The proctor's fault. Teachers here ask students to turn off the cellphones and leave them on the table at the door," he said.

We have yet to hear any apology from Kyoto University President, let alone any explanation as to how they'll revise their security measure.



携帯カンニング工夫するヒマに勉強しろよ!:日経ビジネスオンライン: "何より最初に言いたいのは「京大の試験官はろくろく監督しないから、カンニングし放題」というようなデマの否定です。実際には私は京都大学の入試を知りませんし、現場を見たわけではありませんが、国立大学の一スタッフとして断言します。京大の入試監督がいい加減、などと言うことは、まず考えられません。




ザル監視でも無反省…“カンニング”でバレた京大の非常識 -ZAKZAK
京大カンニング事件と暴走する正義: 王様の耳そうじ
カンニング事件についてTwitterでキレまくる茂木健一郎氏 「クズ朝日 京大お前は死んだ 予備校生が逮捕されて満足か?」|ぴろり速報2ちゃんねる
京大カンニング事件にみるこの国の劣化 ‐ 中村伊知哉 : アゴラ - ライブドアブログ



UPDATE: タイトル「も」に訂正。

UPDATE2: 暇人\(^o^)/速報 : 【カンニング問題】探偵事務所で働いていた俺が全部ネタばれしてやるよwvia)←こういう現実(?)もある中、試験官に責任取れって言うのは酷な気もするけど…せめて携帯は没収しようよ…うん。


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