スピルバーグ監督、ウィキリークス本を映画化:Spielberg lines up WikiLeaks film - Guardian

(c) IMdb

It's Woodward and Bernstein meets Stieg Larsson meets Jason Bourne. Plus the odd moment of sheer farce and, in Julian Assange, a compelling character who goes beyond what any Hollywood scriptwriter would dare to invent. - Guardian


Steven Spielberg's DreamWorks have secured the screen rights to two WikiLeaks books; WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy by Guardian journalists David Leigh and Luke Harding, and Inside WikiLeaks by Daniel Domscheit-Berg, Julian Assange's former colleague.

The Guardian reported last year that a US embassy memo released by WikiLeaks reveals that diplomats or representatives from 14 Arab states gathered in April 2007 and voted to ban all films and other products related to Spielberg or his Righteous Persons Foundation that made a  $1m donation to Israel during the 2006 conflict in Lebanon.

スティーヴン・スピルバーグ監督のドリームワークスがウィキリークス本2冊の映画化の権利を買った。ひとつは米国務省外電リークで主導的役割を果たした英紙ガーディアンの記者2人の共著「WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy」、もうひとつはジュリアン・アサンジから離反した元同僚ルーク・ハーディング著「Inside WikiLeaks」だ。



