開発者が支持するモバイルOS勢力図も多様化:State of the Apps Industry 2010

According to the survey released by mobile ad firm Millennial Media, most mobile app developers plan to further diversify their offerings next year.

The study asked 500 mobile app developers, publishers and advertisers about their future mobile plans. The current top five platforms in 2010 were iPhone (30%), Android (23%), iPad (21%), RIM (12%) and Windows Mobile (6%); 

モバイル広告会社Millennial Mediaがモバイル開発者・パブリッシャー・広告会社の計500人を対象に行った最新の調査で、モバイルアプリのプラットフォームの多様化がますます進んでいることがわかった。

今年開発者に人気のモバイルプラットフォームはiPhone(30%)、Android(23%)、iPad(21%)、RIM(12%) 、Windows Mobile(6%)の順だが…;

(c) Millennial Media (via Read Write Web)

Their top five new platforms for 2011 will be Android (29%), Windows Phone 7 (20%), iPad (20%), RIM (12%), and iPhone (8%); 
これが来年新発売のアプリではAndroid(29%)、Windows Phone 7 (20%)、iPad(20%)、RIM(12%)、iPhone(8%)の順となる。

(c) Millennial Media (via Read Write Web)

Android could very well overtake the iPhone’s developer lead by next year. Millennial also notes that the iPhone (along with RIM) saw a year-over-year decrease in developer support.
iPhoneとRIMは開発者の支持率が前年比で落ちており、来年にはもしかしてAndroidがiPhoneのリードを奪うかもしれない。- VentureBeat 

We kind of knew that Android would take a big leap next year, but Windows Phone 7's 20% is a bit of surprise (as surprising as Palm's measly 4%).   Most developers expect their app revenue to increase next year.

Androidはまあ順当かなって思うけど、意外とWindows Phone 7も人気なのね。逆にPalmはノキアのSymbianより落ち込んでしまってる! あと「来年はアプリの売上げが今年より飛躍的に伸びる」と見る開発者が多く、「前年比100%以上増えると思う」人が31%、「50~100%増えると思う」人は17%もいる。

Google's Android software dominates U.S. smartphone market - San Jose Mercury News

Full Report レポート全文  [State of App Industry 2010 (Report) - ReadWriteWeb]
