グラフで見るオバマ支持率と米巨額財政赤字:Visualizing Obama's Approval Rating and Soaring Federal Deficits ‎

オバマ政権の支持率推移 (c) huffingtonpost.com

Obama is losing American people's trust. Why?  I believe the ever-growing federal deficit (The Obama administration has announced that FY2010 deficits remained at a $1.29 trillion, just a bit under 2009's record of $1.43 trillion and more than $100 billion higher than Obama had predicted) is one of the main reasons.  So I collected charts that explain where we stand now.

オバマ政権の支持率低迷が続いている。何故? やっぱり借金が大きいのかな…と思うので、現状がわかるチャートを少し用意してみた。



(c) heritage.org via Obama’s Budget Unicorn | Verum Serum

(c) Danger Signals Flash: Unprecedented Deficits Loom | Liberty Works

見る度に気が滅入る将来予想 (c) Congressional Budget Office via Washington Post

In the first independent analysis, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office concluded that President Obama's budget would rack up massive deficits even after the economy recovers, forcing the nation to borrow nearly $9.3 trillion over the next decade. 
From whom?  Asia?  Well... the worst is yet to come.  Obama's proposed FY 2011 budget is $3.8 trillion, and the deficit would surge to a record-breaking $1.6 trillion.

上の最後のグラフは米議会予算局(CBO)が去年初めてまとめた分析だが、「オバマ財政は経済回復後も巨額の財務赤字を抱え込み、向こう10年で9兆3000億ドル(755兆円)近い金を借りなきゃならなくなる」とある。借りるってどこから? アジア? 


(c) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
