マイクロソフトがアドビ買収?:Microsoft buying Adobe?

Possible Merger? (c) NY Times
Steven A. Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, recently showed up with a small entourage of deputies at Adobe’s offices to hold a secret meeting with Adobe’s chief executive, Shantanu Narayen. The meeting, which lasted more than an hour, covered a number of topics, but one of the main thrusts of the discussion was Apple and its control of the mobile phone market and how the two companies could team up in the battle against Apple. A possible acquisition of Adobe by Microsoft were among the options.

マイクロソフトのスティーブ・バルマーCEOが最近、側近を引き連れてアドビの各オフィスを回り、シャンタヌ・ナラヤンCEOと極秘の会議をもった。話し合いは1時間以上に渡って行われ、数々の話題を網羅したが、主題はAppleと携帯電話市場における同社の支配力、2社がどう力を組んでAppleに対抗できるか。マイクロソフトによるアドビ買収の可能性もオプションのひとつとして話し合われた。 - NY Times, Bits blog

Shares of Adobe were halted by circuit breakers after surging 17 percent, according to exchange data sent to Bloomberg.- Adobe Systems Shares Halted By Circuit Breaker After Surging 17% - Bloomberg

[NY Times via Tech Trader Daily]
