AUのツイッターパレードが海外で大人気!:Twitter Parade Marching Everywhere

Twitter visualization app has been around among Japanese Twitter users for past three weeks.  The word has obviously spread beyond boundaries and I'm so glad about it:) is actually a part of a campaign website 'IS series' created by Japan's major mobile carrier, KDDI, for their new au IS Series smartphones; IS01(Android) and IS02(Windows) scheduled to be released early June.  The site is intended to let visitors feel their new Android user interface. seems temporarily down (maybe overwhelmed by traffic from overseas?), but you can still enter your Twitter ID at IS series to enjoy similar effects;  some of your followers' pics make a complete circle and then gets scattered all over the page, then follow your cursor.  Still cool, isn't it?

Twitter IDや検索ターム入れるだけで、フォロワーがマーチングバンドに合わせて行進を始める「」のツイッターパレードが海外でも大ブレイク!


  1. 梨本次郎|新潟県燕三条
    jironsmt しかしAUの「ツイッターパレード(」がAUのプロモーションだと知らない人は相当数いると思う
-- this quote was brought to you by quoteurl


フォロワーがキャラになって画面をパレード「IS Parade」 - ITmedia News

[See Twitter Search Results as an Animated Parade]
