サンディエゴのプリウス急加速は狂言?:San Diego Runaway Prius Hoax?

Yet comments on Web sites across the country reveal that practically everyone thought the Prius incident was a hoax--though they couldn't prove it--except for the media. -Michael Fumento, Forbes

Jalonik revealed James Sikes, the San Diego runaway Toyota Prius driver, filed for bankruptcy in 2008 and now has over $700,000 in debt.   Among the creditors is Toyota Financial Services, and he's behind by five months on his payments for the Prius.

According to Fox40, Sikes filed a police report for $58,000 in stolen property including $24,000 in cash in 2001.   In 2006 he was on television "The Big Spin," winning $55,000. But the fortune ran out quickly as his real estate business went down. He at one point operated a Web site called AdultSwingLife.com.

The investigation of the Prius in question revealed that technicians from both Toyota and NHTSA were unable to duplicate the unintended acceleration Sikes claims.

He refused to  shift to neutral, so we assumed he's a senior driver who's not used to drive fast.   Turned out he's a former member of Corvette Owners Club!   The group told Fox40 that they're embarrassed he couldn't stop his car.






911交換手や警察にニュートラルに切り換えるよう指示されても「引っくり返ると怖いので切り換えなかった」と言うので、てっきり「運転に不慣れなおじいちゃんなのかな」と思っていたら、なんと速いクルマが大好きで、昔はコルベットを乗り回し、コルベット・オーナーズ・クラブにも所属していたんだそうな! クラブの人は「あの彼が車とめられないなんて…」とFox40に話している。
