中国を検閲ソフト盗用で訴えた会社もサイバー攻撃:Law Firm Suing China Hit By Cyber Attack

The L.A. law firm that filed a lawsuit last week against Chinese government for $2.2 billion in an Internet-censoring software piracy case said they came under cyberattack originating China this week. There's no evidence that indicates the Chinese government was a mind-master.

"It would be a very strange coincidence indeed if the attacks were unrelated to the lawsuit, because our firm does not ordinarily in the course of business experience these kinds of attacks," said Gregory Fayer, an attorney at Gipson Hoffman & Pancione. - WSJ

Their client, CYBERsitter, alleges about three thousands of lines of its code were copied by Chinese software developers for the Green Dam software. The company also claims there have been thousands of attempts originating in China, at least one originating from a government agency, to gain access to its private servers.

先週中国政府をソースコード盗用で訴えた法律事務所(Gipson Hoffman & Pancione)も、今週グーグルに似たサイバー攻撃を受けていたことが分かった。




[LA Times, WSJ, PC World, AFP, 21世紀中国ニュース]
