In the 2008 video above, Philip Brocoum shows off his Christmas present, the Yoshimoto Cube ($65), invented by Naoki Yoshimoto in 1971. What's great about the cube is that you can make your own in 5 minutes!
(If you want to find the answer by yourself, don't click any link or video on this entry. Good luck!)
You can download its pattern here (pdf). You need to make eight copies, says a Japanese hobbyst who created it.
You may also want to check out Akira Nishihara's amazing collection of Geometric Toys, where you can view the most simplified illustration of how the Yoshimoto Cube works.
Starting from that illustration, two others found how to make the Yoshimoto Cube just by folding papers without any use of glue or scotch tape (step-by-step instruction).
If you want to know theories behind it, go here to find an answer.
上の動画はPhilip Brocoumさんが、2008年のクリスマスにお母さんからもらった「吉本キューブ」(65ドル)を披露しているもの。これがきっかけとなって、1971年に日本の吉本直貴さんが発明した幾何学オブジェの作り方と理論が海外にも広まった。
「ちょっと待った! 作り方は自分で考えさせて!」という方は、ここの関連リンクや動画は一切クリックしないで、自分で是非考えてみてね。
また、Akira Nishiharaさんの「幾何学おもちゃの世界」には吉本キューブのシンプルな図があって、そこを出発点にテープ抜きで紙を折り折り続けて吉本キューブを「編む」人まで出現した。編み方はこちら。
Longer version(本格的な作り方);
Crazy Star Cube ! Nice Paper - Click here for another funny movie.
Shorter version(紙とはさみとテープで5分で作れる簡易版);
Just Piece Of Paper . Crazy Paper Toy. - Watch a funny movie here
Meet its inventor(発明した吉本直貴さんの近影);
Banach-Tarski paradox
[Folding the Yoshimoto Cube - forgetomori via GMSV]
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