The private investigator from Massachusetts has seen a 75% drop in infidelity cases last year. It's a loss of $2,500/day or $15,000/week. Wow. Less infidelity? That sounds good for couples, but the CNN goes on to tell that wives and husbands are just snooping around by themselves, while cheating couples are shifting to economic mode by staying at home instead of dining out and dating in the park (or parking lot) rather than staying at pricey hotels. The couples simply cannot afford divorce.
「浮気するお金もないの? 夫婦は安泰ね」と悠長にニュース眺めてたら違うんだな。探偵に頼まないだけで今の夫婦は携帯やメールや電話の履歴チェックや尾行も自前でやる。浮気する方も高級レストラン・ホテルの外食・外泊から自宅・モーテル・車・公園の“不況スタイル”に切り換わっただけ。
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