ブッシュ靴投げ事件:Bush Shoe Throwing


"This is a farewell kiss, you dog," yelled Muntadar al-Zaidi, a reporter with Cairo-based Iraqi Al-Baghdadia television network, throwing a shoe one after another, forcing an amazingly agile Bush to duck them both. The incident's clips dominated 28 of the top 100 YouTube videos as of noon Monday, letting the lame duck finally become an Internet phenomenon.

Jokes aside, the reporter's brother, Dhirgham al-Zaidi, told CNN how his brother's life has been. It's hard to judge unless you put your feet in his shoes.

According to NBC News, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino was hit in the face with a microphone as security wrestled with the reporter and got slightly bruised. However, the brother mentioned CNN that 'Iraqi journalists told him after the incident that U.S. security stopped Iraqis from hitting the reporter.'



かく言う自分も10回ぐらい見てしまった。任期残して不出馬を決める大統領のことを「レーム・ダック(lame duck)」と言うのだが、そのレーム・ダックが本当にカモが水潜るみたいにヒョイヒョイ首を引っ込めて交わす(ducking)んだから、笑ってしまう。



事件ではセキュリティ担当官が靴投げ記者にジャンプして取り押さえた弾みで、ホワイトハウスDana Perino報道官にマイクがぶつかって目に軽い黒あざができた(NBC News)が、兄弟のDhirghamさんがイラク人記者から聞いた話では、事件後、記者に殴りかかるイラク人たちを止めたのもアメリカ人のセキュリティ担当官だったという。
