アーロンチェアもアーロン収容所も:Aeron and Ahlone Spelled With the Same Katakana

Aeron Chair (c) H&M

When I posted an article about Herman Miller's Embody Chair, some readers pointed out that 'Aeron' is spelled 'アーロン' in Japan, not 'エアロン.'    So, I added H&M's press release just in case.  Aerobics is 'エアロビクス' and Aerosmith is 'エアロスミス,' but Aeron is 'アーロン.'  Weird.   'アーロン' reminds me of Aida Yuji's WWII memoires 'Prisoner of the British: A Japanese soldier's experiences in Burma' (original title:  'Ahlone Camp').


小林よしのりの『戦争論』でおなじみ、会田雄次の『アーロン収容所』は英語だと「Ahlone Camp」。ロンドンのCresset Pressが1966年発行した英訳版のタイトルは『Prisoner of the British: A Japanese soldier's experiences in Burma』(訳:Hide Ishiguro、Louis Allen)だが売れた形跡が全くない!当然か…

'Ahlone Camp' by Yuji Aida
