脱がなくていい試着室: Magic Mirror Try-on

IconNicholson, NY) Video DEMO(デモ)
Nanette Lepore, Bloomingdale's 59th St. Store, March 2007

Icon Nicolson's interactive mirror (above) lets you connect live with others while you digitally try on the clothes. You don't have to take your boyfriend any more. You just send him your live video and he can IM back his comments.



NYのIcon Nicolsonが開発し、年初の全米小売業協会(NRF=National Retail Federation)恒例展示会で初公開した。現在クライアント募集中。

Cisco's Smart Fitting Room

Cisco developed RFID tag system that allows you to check the store's inventory for the correct size. You can then call salesperson and tell which size you want to try. Mitsukoshi estimates that "the system has reduced customer waits for merchandise by about half, while cutting the time workers spent searching for inventory by 30 percent."(SiliconValley.com)



Ralph Lauren's Street Shopping Touch Screen

Here, Boris Becker is touching Polo Ralph Lauren's Street Shopping Touch Screen unveiled last week at its London flagship store. It lets customers shop 24/7. Open 'till Wimbledon's final.

(photo ©AP)

おまけ。元ウィンブルドンチャンピオンのボリス・ベッカーがいじっているのは、ラルフ・ローレン・ロンドン本店のラス窓に登場した78インチの“ウィンドウショッピング”用タッチスクリーン。24時間いつでもオーダーできる窓だよ? 決済確認は翌日メールか電話で。昨年のNY店に続く第2弾で画面も大きくなった。7月上旬のウィンブルドン終了まで公開中。

[via SiliconValley.com - You don't have to undress in smart dressing rooms, FOXNews.com - Ralph Lauren Launches Street Shopping Touch Screen]
