惚れた者の弱み~アップル商標裁判:Apple vs. Apple

'Even a moron in a hurry' knows which Apple is which, lawyer says. - USA Today

The Apple Corp sued, sued, sued, and Apple Computer paid, paid and paid, although nobody on earth seems to get confused which apple is which (this comment sums up my feelings...). After decades of trademark battle costing Apple Computer some 27 million dollars, Mr. Jobs said;
"It’s not a big deal. It’s unfortunate because we love the Beatles. I’d do anything for those guys." -2003, NEWSWEEK
Apple Corps claims iTunes, selling 3 million songs daily, violates a 1991 pact barring Apple Computer from using the Apple trademark in connection with music distribution. Apple Corps maintains digital downloading is "physical media distribution," while Apple Computer defines it as "online data transfer."

The two Apples face off tomorrow in a London's High Court with the Justice Edward Mann who owned an iPod. Lord Anthony Grabiner QC representing Apple Computer is one of Britain's highest-paid lawyers.


1968: Apple Corps founded by four Beatles members
1976: Apple Computer founded by two Steves
1980: Apple Corps sued Apple
1981: Apple Corps won a cash settlement ($80,000) and an agreement to share use of the Apple trademark as long as Apple Computer would stay out of music business.

1989: Apple Computer introduced a music-making program and sought a less restrictive trademark agreement.
1991: Apple Computer agreed to pay a $26.5 million settlement. It left its computers able to edit and play back sound files but not create music.

2001: Apple Computer launched the iPod
2003: Apple Computer opened the first iTunes music store, and was sued one last time.
UPDATE: 2006.05.08.:Apple Computer won the suit

UPDATE2:  2010.11.16. The Beatles catalog finally available on iTunes.

ビートルズのレーベル「アップル社(Apple Corps)」が商標侵害で「アップル・コンピュータ」をまた訴えた。音楽事業でアップル商標は使わない協定なのにiTunesで破った、というのが今回の主張。林檎争奪戦第3ラウンドは明日ロンドン高等法院で開廷する。






1968: ビートルズがアップル社設立
1976: スティーブ2人がアップル・コンピュータ設立
1980: アップル社がアップル・コンピュータ提訴
1981: アップル社勝訴。アップル・コンピュータは和解金8万ドルを払い、音楽産業に参入しない条件でアップル商標使用許可を得る。

1989: アップル・コンピュータが音声シンセサイズの新製品を導入、和解条項の緩和を求める。
1991: アップル・コンピュータ、2,650万ドルの和解金で示談成立。コンピュータ上での楽曲編集・再生はOK、でも楽曲生成はOUTという微妙な取り決め。

2001: アップル・コンピュータ、iPodリリース
2003: アップル・コンピュータ、iTunesミュージックストア1号店オープン、アップル社が再起訴。
UPDATE  2006.05.08.:アップル勝訴

UPDATE 2010.11.16.: iTunesでビートルズ発売

war is over.

[BBC NEWSAP,Yahoo! Finance,Times Online,"Mr. Jobs, it's almost time for your periodic contribution to the Beatles Preservation Fund"(GMSV)]


  1. こうなったら合併しちゃえばいいのにね。

  2. 買わせてくれない、売らせてくれない、時折届くメイルは訴状だけ。笑


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