シリコンバレーのトリビア⑤:Silicon Valley Trivia Quiz 5

Q:  Is this true or fiction?

"......two 'country hicks' came to Harvard and wanted to talk with the president. A haughty secretary resisted the couple and made them wait for hours. In exasperation, she finally asked the president to see the visitors, which he did if for no other reason to get rid of them.

The couple told him their son had attended Harvard for a year and he had loved it, but had been killed in an accident and they wanted to build a memorial to him. The president discouraged them, saying they couldn't erect a memorial to every student who had died.

The couple said they were thinking of donating for an entire building in their son's honor. The president discouraged them and mentioned how much all of the buildings at Harvard were worth.

The lady commented to her husband that if that was all it took to build a university, they ought to construct their own. So...Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford went to Palo Alto, California and built a school in honor of their son...a memorial to a student that Harvard no longer cared about."(source: www.truthorfiction.com)



学 長は諦めるよう二人に諭した。死んだ生徒一人一人にいちいち記念碑を建ててやることはできない、と。すると夫婦は、息子の名を残すためなら大学の建設費用 を全 額寄付したっていいのだと食い下がった。だからそんなことは諦めなさいと学長は諭し、ハーバードを丸ごと建てるなんて一体どれだけかかると思ってるんだと 実際の金額を告げた。

それを聞いた夫人は夫を見てこう言った。そんなもんで大学が建つんなら、いっそ自分たちの大学、建てちゃいましょう よ。 こうしてカリフォルニアのパロアルトに行ったリーランド・スタンフォード夫妻が夭逝の息子のため建てた追悼記念碑がスタンフォード。それはハーバードに見 捨てられた一人の学生の名誉のために建てられた。


You can read the true history below (the second story) or Stanford web.
--->The Rejection that led to the founding of Stanford University-Fiction!

門前払いが作った大学・スタンフォード-寓話」 によると、スタンフォード大学創学者リーランド・スタンフォード氏はカリフォルニア州知事も務めた地元の有力者。サンフランシスコ半島に8,000エー カーを超す広大な敷地を買い始めたのは1876年のことだ。ジェーン夫人との間に設けた一粒種のリーランドJr.は家族旅行先のイタリアで死亡する。享年 15歳。死因は腸チフス。大学に通うこともなくこの世を去った息子を偲んで夫妻が光溢れるペニンスラの草原に建設したのが、現在のスタンフォード大学で ある。



トリビア④:Trivia Quiz 4 | トリビア⑥:Trivia Quiz 6


  1. Okay, but the "real" story is kind of interesting anyway.

  2. Hi,zen. I agree. Actually it took me 5 yrs to realize the whole story was bogus. In my version, the couple were sitting at dinner table talking to Harvard president and his wife, and it was Mr. Stanford who said that 'if that was all it took...' part.

    Most Stanford folks I know have heard about this story. I don't know about Harvard side, though.

  3. Like a lot of "meme's" or "false memories," this one appeals to our fantasy of a nouveau riche-guy sort of "flipping off" the Establishment, if you will--

    We empathize as common people, and fantasize that someday, for instance, we might win the lottery so we can, say, buy a company and fire our "stuffed shirt" boss that never liked us because we didn't go to an Ivy League school (or whatever).

  4. yeah.. this one also tells us what kind of place Palo Alto was before the "country hicks" founded Stanford. Now look at the price tag! 1B3BR1200sf for $1m? no way!


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