ロビン・ウィリアムズはパーキンソン病だった:Robin Williams Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease

Robin’s sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly.

It is our hope in the wake of Robin’s tragic passing, that others will find the strength to seek the care and support they need to treat whatever battles they are facing so they may feel less afraid.” - Susan Schneider, Robin William's third wife


ロビンがこのような悲劇的な最期を遂げたことで、今いろんな問題でお悩みのみなさんが勇気を奮い起こして必要なケアやサポートを求め、少しでも怖さを和らげるきかっけになればと願っております。 ―未亡人スーザン・シュナイダー


