ツイッターのスラングが通じなくて強制送還の英国人がTV出演:British couple banned from U.S. after tweets

Two quick tweets; "Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America?," "dig up Marilyn Monroe's grave."  The next thing you know, you're handcuffed, detained, interrogated at LAX, put in jail (or detention center) and deported back to UK next morning.  What an age we live in!

'They asked why we wanted to destroy America and we tried to explain it meant to get trashed and party. 'I almost burst out laughing when they asked me if I was going to be Leigh's lookout while he dug up Marilyn Monroe. 'I couldn't believe it because it was a quote from the comedy Family Guy which is an American show. - Daily Mail

Homeland Security says it's not monitoring Twitter, it only got a “tip” about the tweets. John Battelle doesn't buy it.



補)マリリン・モンローの方はアメリカのコメディ番組「Family Guy」の台詞。アメリカの番組のことも知らんのか、とこれまた憤慨してる。

[Daily Mail, Voice of RussiaJohn Battelle's Search Blog]
