ジョブズの誕生日にiPad3発売の噂:iPad3 to be launched on Steve Jobs' birthday?

According to Taiwanese Economic Daily News,  iPad3 might be launched on Feb. 24 to mark Steve Jobs' birthday. To meet the deadline, iPad3 major component makers will be working non-stop during the Lunar New Year holiday. Hmnnn, is that so?  The original iPad came out April 3, iPad 2 on March 11, and February launch is what Citi analyst said in a note earlier this month.

台湾の英字紙「Economic Daily News」が「iPad 3はジョブズ誕生日の2月24日発売かもしれない」、「部品メーカーは旧正月返上で勤務予定」と報じた。本当かな? 初代iPadは4月3日、iPad2は3月11日。時期的には今月上旬シティのアナリストが出した予想と一致するね。

