「ツイッターは分散化しないと、そのうち死ぬ」元開発チーフ:Twitter Needs to Decentralize or Die - Alex Payne

Yesterday’s announcement of what was immediately dubbed #newtwitter has crept up on me in its significance.[...] In my opinion, the Twitter developer community needs to adapt to the post-#newtwitter reality.[...]

A large part of the reason I left Twitter was a fundamental philosophical difference that I couldn’t reconcile, either for myself or the company. I believe that Twitter as a medium is and should be distinct from Twitter as a business.[...]

Some time ago, I circulated a document internally with a straightforward thesis: Twitter needs to decentralize or it will die. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even in a decade, but it was (and, I think, remains) my belief that all communications media will inevitably be decentralized, and that all businesses who build walled gardens will eventually see them torn down. [...]

At any rate, I argued this case at Twitter, and lost. 

-Alex Payne

Insights on #newtwitter by Alex Payne (@al3x), who worked at Twitter as a Platform Chief for three years and a half. 

Twitterプラットフォーム開発チーフとして3年半同社に勤務したアレックス・ペイン氏(@al3x)が、昨日のツイッター新デザイン発表(上)を受け、「The Very Last Thing I'll Write About Twitter(ツイッターについて書くのはこれが最後だ)」というエントリを出した。







[Alex Payne via TechMeme]

Twitter Should Decentralize (And Make Money) Via Twitter Server  - TechCrunch
Twitterは分散化してサーバを売るべき-TechCrunch Japanスケールするサイトのアーキテクチャ考
