ソマリアの海賊と放射性廃棄物、殺されたイタリア人記者:Somali Pirates, Radioactive Waste, laria Alpi's Murder

Illegal fishing and toxic dump strangely co-exist in Somali water (c) SomaliTalk

When Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant started dumping radioactive water into the ocean, some mentioned that it was an illegal dumping of radioactive waste into Somali water that has driven Somali fishermen to become voluntary coast guard, then pirates.

When Somali Civil War that started in 1991 left the nation with no government or coast guard, foreign vessels came from around the world for illegal fishing and then some European vessels started to dump toxic wastes including radioactive uranium, lead, cadmium, mercury and industrial, hospital chemicals.  (If you are worried about fishes imported from Japan, you might want to worry about fishes from Africa and Mediterranean Sea as well.)

The video below is the Italian documentary "Ilaria Alpi's Murder" (English dubbed by AlJazeera) that details the murder of two journalists who were killed in Somalia, investigating toxic waste trade.




下のは、ソマリアの不法投棄を取材中に殺されたイタリア人ジャーナリストの死を追うイタリアのドキュメンタリー「Ilaria Alpi's Murder」にアルジャジーラが英語の吹き替えつけた動画。耳で拾って訳しておくね。

In 1994, Italian journalist for RAI, Ilaria Alpi, and her photographer, Miran Hrovatin, who were investigating illegal disposal of toxic waste off the coasts of Somalia, were both murdered. However the story didn't end there. 10 years later, the evidence of toxic waste dumped along the coast of Somalia was uncovered by the 2004 tsunami.

"We made two trips to Somalia. With the first one, we tried to locate the sites identified by the UN. There were drums washed ashore by Tsunami," says Luciano Scalettari, an Italian journalist for Catholic magazine "Familia Christiania." As well as checking the waste ashore, he visited another possible dumping location, 'La Strada Bossaso (Bossaso Road),' investigated and filmed by the two journalists just days before the assassination. He found metal canisters buried in the middle of nowhere, with no sign whatsoever to tell it's toxic area. To confirm what's buried deep under the ground, he needs more advanced gear.

On the outskirts of Milan lives Giorgio Comagno. He planted to dump 3, 4 penetrators filled with radioactive waste under the seabed of African countries including Somalia. He was investigated by Italian police for allegedly sinking ships loaded with toxic waste in the Mediterranean Sea. When Italian police searched his house in 1995, they found a missing and death certificate. The docs were seized by police. Yet the investigating magistrate who later took on the case has filed the report in 2005 saying that the death certificates had been stolen from police archives. Today Italian police says they have no idea whereabouts of Giorgio Comagno.

Others such as Gianpierro Sebri uses more conventional dumping methods. He was dumping waste to developing nations for Western nations. After failing the first attempt, Somalia was picked as a dumping target in 1992. Four years later, then Prime Minister signed this agreement to authorize building a dumping ground in Somalia."The value of human life is equal to zero. The only thing that value is money. And more money. They just don't care." -Gianpierro Sebri, former toxic trader

Hashi Omar Hassan, was convicted murder of 1994, had already served a decade in the massive security prison in Vienna, Northern Italy, for being part of the group that killed the two journalists. His lawyer says, "the first degree trial ended with an acquittal. 298 witnesses were brought in. In 2000, the Italian prosecutors appealed Hashi Omar's acquittal on grounds that his defense witnesses were not credible." The appeal court overturned the acquittal and sentenced Hashi to life in jail. The Supreme Courte later reduced the sentence to 26 years. "Hashi Oma was on the list of Somali victims of mistreatments by UN troops in Somalia. Upon arriving in ***(home?), he found that he was charged with the murders." - Douglas Duale, Hashi Omar Hassan's lawyer

Hashi was condemned after two witnesses stated he was one of the killers. The crucial testimonies were made by a driver, Ali-Mohammed Ampti (?) and another man who claimed to be on the crime scene, Afmed Ali Draghi (?), also known as Gelli. In 1997, a special envoy from Italian government was sent to Somalia with the money to gather information on the killings. He came in contact with Gelli who allegedly approached Hashi offering part of the money in return for the confession.

"Prior to the departure from Somalia, Hashi was approached by Gelli who offered pretty money in exchange for his confessions on the murder," says Duale. When Hashi refused Jelli's offer, he was allowed to Italy in different way. He was invited to testify about mistreatment, allegedly infringed by Italian military serving with the UN. The minute he stepped off the plane, he was murder of the journalists.

Gelli 's credibility was put into question. He said he was the person in this photo. "But the photographic test has confirmed that this person is a man called Ali Hassan Osobo," lawyer says. If this is not Gelli, Hashi's conviction is based on the false account by a single witness that was assassinated immidiately after testifying. "Hashi was not there on that day. He was about 350km north in the city called Hajialli. We found seven witnesses that have confirmed his presense there." Finding out Somali murderer prevented the investigation from moving to the higher level in search of those who ordered the killings. "It was an attempt to close the case," says Domenico D'Amati, Alpi Family Lawyer. "Scapegoat," says Apli's mother.

The investigations of two journalists are still open. 6 or 7 killers are still at large. So are those who ordered killings. Hashi is hoping for retrial based on the invalidation of Jelli's testimony. "There must still be someone out there. This someone must know this case is not closed. Investigation can still be done. Anyone with information can be useful," urges D'Amati.  "Many Somalis who were afraid yesterday are not afraid today. They are willing to talk," says Hashi's lawyer.

Somalia is presently a failed state. But in the future, they could claim *** for being used as an international toxic dump. "Those organizations are still active. If they don't dump directly, they work as an consultants," says former toxic trader. Where has all the waste gone?  "If you have any information, pls contact its production at info@oyiboproductions.com.
今は機能不全国家のソマリア。しかし将来、世界の毒物投棄に利用された償いを取るよう主張できる日がくるかもしれない。「組織は今も暗躍してる。直接投棄しなくてもコンサルタントとしてね」(セブリさん)。ごみはどこに消えたのか? 情報お持ちの方は映像制作元info@oyiboproductions.comへ。

Radioactive waste dumping by the 'Ndrangheta - Wikipedia
Ilaria Alpi - Wikipedia
'Toxic waste' behind Somali piracy - Al Jazeera English
Johann Hari: You are being lied to about pirates - Johann Hari - The Independent
野崎日記(402) 日本を仕分けする(26) オバマ(8) - 消された伝統の復権
ソマリア: CIAが支援したもう一つのクーデターの崩壊: マスコミに載らない海外記事

[Oyibo Productions]
