ゲイツとバフェットが富豪に寄附呼びかけ、ポール・アレンが名乗り:Allen Steps Up to Buffett and Gates’ $600 Billion Challenge

Bill Gates and Paul Allen at Lakeside High, using a teletype to connect to a mainframe (c) CSCI
レイクサイド高在学中のゲイツとアレン 。メインフレームへの接続にテレタイプを使っていた
In response to "$600 Billion Challenge" launched last month by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet for the nation's billionaires to give away at least half of their wealth, Paul Allen announced today that he plans to do just that, giving away a majority of his fortue - an estimated $13.5 billion. According to Forbes, he is diagnosed with lymphoma; undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Why $600 billion? The 2009 net worth of the Forbes 400 (around $1.2 trillion) divided by 2 equals $600 billion. 

米No.1の富豪ビル・ゲイツ氏(資産$53B=4.6兆円)とNo.2のウォーレン・バフェット氏(同$47B=4兆円)がこのほど国内のビリオネアに「自分が稼いだ金の最低半分は寄附しようよ」と呼びかけ、第1号が名乗りを上げた。ポール・アレン(75歳、資産$13.5B=1178億円 )だ。


目標額の$6000億ドルは、Forbes 400(米国内長者番付トップ400)の2009年純資産合計$1.2 trillionを2で割った額。


More Billionaires Sign the Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge - WSJ

[Seattle Times, TechFlash, Forbes]
