日米加のビッグマック指数は世界一:UBS's Big Mac Index - Work Time Needed To Earn A Big Mac

Here, The Economist illustrates the recent UBS survey on "how long it takes a worker on the average net wage to earn the price of a Big Mac in 73 cities."

The Big Mac index was first invented by Pam Woodall of The Economist (photo below) in Sept 1986, and has been annually updated ever since.

According to UBS report (PDF), average workers in Chicago, Tokyo, Toronto need to stay on the job for 12 minutes, while workers in Mexico City, Jakarta, Nairobi have to work more than 2 hrs to afford a Big Mac! 

Well, one has to wonder, "Do they really buy it?"  I mean, at the end of the day, do they still have the luxury of stopping by McDonald to spend that much for greasy American food?   They have more affordable, nonetheless healthy options, and this lack of demand is the weak point of this index.

BTW, European countries don't show up on the top, not because they're less paid, but because their Big Mac is crazily expensive. View World map of Big Mac Index of Feb 2009 to grab an overall idea of price disparity.





でもまあ、2時間働いてヘトヘトの彼らが、なんで好きこのんでマクドナルド行ってビッグマック買うの? という疑問は残るよね。もっと安くて体に良い伝統料理がたくさんあるだろうに。マック1号店が出た時のモスクワみたいに、ぜいたく品で高いだけでは? ここがビッグマック指数の弱点だ。

同じこと考える人は他にもいて、そこのコメントに「ビッグマック指数を視覚化したGoogleマップ」があった。2009年2月の最新版はここだが、なんと世界一ビッグマックが高いのはノルウェーで、米国の2倍もするではないか! あんなものに700円も出す人が地上にいようとは…!



Worldwide Cost of Living Survey - The Economist
↑ Japan topped the list, thanks to a strong yen. As long as they stay in Japan, nothing really changes... 世界生活費調査では日本が世界一。と言ってもこれは円高の影響で、昨年12月時点の統計(下表)を今年2月の為替レートに換算し直したら(上表)、円高ユーロ安でオスロ、パリ、コペンハーゲン、ヘルシンキ、フランクフルトを追い越しちゃったのだそう。

[via Digital Inspiration]


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