GoogleでTwitter検索できるアドオン:Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google

Within a week after Mercury ran a story entitled "How Twitter could be a threat to Google," Mark Carey at MT Hacks created a Greasemonkey user script that shows the most recent 5 tweets for the query on Google search results. It works in Japanese as well. Install the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox and then "Twitter Search Results on Google".  Done.  Keeping up with realtime conversations is simpler than ever.


1. Firefox用のGreasemonkeyアドオンを(まだない人は)インストール、ブラウザを再起動
2. "Twitter Search Results on Google"で「Install」という黒いボタンをクリック。おしまい。

作ったのはMovable TypeコンサルタントのMark Carey氏。


[Realtime Twitter Search Results on Google (MT Hacks)]
