写真や動画をアニメにして遊ぶ:Trying Out Befunky

The guy who was sitting right behind me at TechCrunch40 was the designer from Turkey. He gave me an invitation to the closed beta of their site, befunky, where you can convert your photo or video into cartoon in one click. I'm trying out this and that.... it's so much fun! It'd be great if they put their logo or URL at the bottom. Otherwise I feel a little sorry for using this for free.

URL:The fun lies in its unexpected effects [Gizmodo Japan staffs]


URL:忘れちゃいけない滑ジイ(元の写真/Original Photo

UPDATE: Not it's open for invitations. If you want invitation, drop me (satomiichimura at gmail.com) your e-mail address. 招待状ご希望の方はsatomiichimura at gmail.comまでメルアド送ってね。
