13歳のCEOのエレベーターピッチ(動画):Elementeo’s 13-year-old CEO and PlaySpan's 6th Grader Founder

Silicon Valley garage history got one new addition by Arjun Mehta, a sixth-grader who founded an in-game commerce platform company, PlaySpan, with money he earned by selling online game items while attending 5th grade. The company recently secured $6.5m investment, and the news was slashdotted and techcrunched.

People wonder if it's a violation of child labor laws, but some argue in some states like Delaware there's no age requirement for incorporation. Others say his dad and CEO, Karl Mehta, does all the business and it's just a PR stunt.

But I do know one highshooler making tens of thousands of dollars selling game things online, so I think the story has some credibility. His dad making big fortune by online game sounds to me as unrealistic as his son founding a company.

Remember Silicon Valley gaming startup Elementeo and its 13-year old founder and CEO, Anshul Samar? Just in case, I embed his vid.

Video URL: Anshul Samar Interview by VentureBeat

小6のArjun Mehta君が、小5の時ネットゲームのアイテム売って儲けたお金で「PlaySpan」を昨年創業し、今月650万ドル調達したニュースが大きな話題を振りまいている





この辺のインドの小中学生の利発なことと言ったら3桁で掛け算暗算できるし…すごいもんね。因みに上の動画は今年5月TiECON 2007で話題になった13歳の創業者兼CEO、Anshul Samar君のエレベーターピッチ(乗り合わせた投資家にビジネスプランをまくし立て降りるころには投資を確保するぐらいの真剣勝負の売り込み)。カードゲームで科学を教える新会社「Elementeo」に投資を呼びかけている動画でございます。
